Environmental Impact Assessment of Phuket Airport Development Project

Narrative Description

The study is aimed to assess the environmental impacts from the construction of expanded phase consist passenger building, cargo building, apron and car parking and the impacts from airport operation both in the existing conditions and in the next 20 years. The study was done according to the OEPP's Guildline for Airport.

Services Description

Environmental Impact Assessment for the construction of the project.SEATEC formed the study team which consists of the experts in various fields to conduct this project accordingly to the OEPP's Guildline.  Special attention was put on the noise impact, the most significant impact. The latest version of noise model developed by FAA was applied in this project to predict the noise impact in different scenarios including the maximum capacity of the airport in the next 20 years.

Name of Project Environmental Impact Assessment of Phuket Airport Development Project
Location Phuket Province
Client Airport Authority of Thailand
Duration March 1999 - May 1999
Project Cost